Nirvanic is a quantum deeptech company innovating conscious AI.

Our mission is to engineer consciousness technologies.

“As a roboticist and quantum physicist, I find the brain’s ability to make conscious, intuitive decisions a miracle.  What if we could harness it?”

Dr. Suzanne Gildert, Nirvanic CEO

Conscious AI

Nirvanic is testing a model of quantum conscious agency with widespread application for artificial intelligence.

We aim to humanize and improve the safety of AI.

Nirvanic is pioneering consciousness software for general-purpose robotics that can solve present-moment problems instantly, just like people. Our technology plan is to help physical AI generate its own training data on the fly, make executive choices, and do useful work safely in our complex and unpredictable social world.

All life employs some level of consciousness to assess countless sensory inputs and make rapid decisions about exploration, attention and survival. We are testing if quantum fields conjectured to be operating in neural biology can be applied to a new type of conscious AI using a non-biological alternative — quantum computers. We postulate that properties found in quantum physics — superposition, entanglement and quantum measurement — map well to conscious experience.

If we are correct, we can unlock a new kind of AI consciousness with the safety traits necessary for working in harmony with people: intuition, empathy, judgment, nuanced reasoning and morality. At Nirvanic, we see consciousness research as the next big quantum use case.

👉 Frequently Asked Questions


What is consciousness?

It’s one of the great scientific & philosophical mysteries. From Plato to Einstein to today, we’ve asked: what are we?

Consciousness provides instant awareness, combining our senses, thoughts, memories and feelings into a first-person experience: “you”

Evolved over billions of years, your apex mammalian mind bio-computes your experience of reality on just 20 watts of power — the same as what a light bulb uses. It all unfurls from your DNA with less information than a Windows operating system. Life appears to have a biohack for extraordinary computation vastly beyond classical computers today.

But neither neuroscience nor classical physics can explain how or why we have this subjective, first-person experience. This has been described as the “hard problem” of consciousness by David Chalmers. Another mystery: why we feel like we have free will at all when most of the laws of physics are deterministic. There seems to be no role for an observer that makes a choice.


Could our brains be quantum?

First-person experience and free will are properties of consciousness that we can’t explain with classical physics

New models of consciousness that include quantum physics might explain consciousness. One quantum consciousness model — the Penrose-Hameroff ORCH-OR theory — proposes that trillions of tiny cylindrical structures in neurons called microtubules have the capacity to hold quantum mechanical states.

ORCH-OR suggests that these quantum states hold an enormous amount of information about perceptions and actions that are all considered at once. When the state collapses (known as a quantum wave function collapse), an optimal choice is made. We experience this process as a moment of conscious awareness.

Nirvanic is developing a technological platform for testing quantum consciousness for direct application in AI.


Microtubules: Intricate cellular structures in human neurons theorized by some researchers to play a role in the quantum processes underlying consciousness


Safer agentic AI

We need AI that is conscious of humanity, with more intuition, empathy and morality

The world is demanding safer AI. But AI systems placed into unfamiliar environments often fail at their tasks, because they have never seen the situation before in their training data. They can only make decisions subconsciously, have no awareness of what they are doing, and act in a mechanistic way similar to “muscle memory” or “reflexes” in humans.

We believe that future agentic AI systems equipped with “hybrid” quantum-classical processing can enable them to be more empathetic to people, intuitive and can learn on-the-fly in unfamiliar environments. Quantum computers are now mature enough to test these ideas.




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“Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one."

— Albert Einstein, Nobel physicist

“Consciousness emerges from quantum vibrations in microtubules inside neurons, which regulate brain function and connect it to deeper orders of the universe."

— Stuart Hameroff, anesthesiologist and consciousness researcher

“Consciousness is not just a computational process; it involves something much deeper.”

— Sir Roger Penrose, Nobel physicist

“The overall number of minds is just one. It is merely the same self that looks out through all the eyes.”

— Erwin Schrödinger, Nobel quantum physicist